Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

The Revolutionary Online Business

-- Bob Julius Onggo

The players in the online business is being merevolusi new web business, we will soon see Google and Microsoft appear that the new entity in the form of a different business that will appear from the players online business that is now being "hot. Carefulness in work to give them aspirations for anyone in the business world

Thanks to the existence of the internet that can be accessed everywhere, as well as the hardware is likely to cost more, and supported by software-based open-source, this virtual world, web, and are evolving into a bermutasi being a very drastic different. This condition leads to the emergence of so many types of species that have business models that new business, and that new market opportunities. How is it? Business online and what they mean?

Fortune magazine's electronic edition, in January the "buzzword" that are warm, warm-what to be discussed in the era of the term - "Web 2.0" that is associated with "the Next Net" - Thanks to the existence of a brilliant businessman, the most powerful marketers and the money hunters aggressive, "buzzword" is difficult to define, once defined, it must continue diredefinisikan.

I did not invent the term Ngada with this, but borrow the term made by the Fortune magazine's electronic edition month january 2007. At this time we are in the phase-out of the early phases of a so-called experts say, with the term "the Next Net." The term "The Next Net" will bridge the digital equipment all, from the Computer to a mobile phone and television to the device. The meaning is the Next Net will characterize the ability to interact continuously with the instant and more than 1 billion Web users around the world - not just with the device called a chat or instant messaging (IM), but the capability through the application of instant-messaging and voice - instant-video-messaging that will make email and IM features into devices that seemed to lag time.

The nature of The Next Net is the ability that allows the existence of a collaboration (collaborative): The meaning is all the people from all over the planet earth can do to work together in a task, or a product and the product or equipment can be perfectly and quickly, because of revisions and processing together by experts through the online world.

This new era is also creating a world that does not have utmost to create for this and that mengabungkan (mix and match). Anyone in the world with any browser, can access a wide range of information storage, memolesnya, memodifikasinya and create new things from it for a few people or many people.

Basically, the definition of "the Next Net" is an opportunity that can not be been by the businessman and a creative and intelligent players in the world that have been established to take power from the new wealth of the world. This means their success is not from creating a business that is really new, but more on the improvement of existing business - look just like Flickr, MySpace, Wikipedia - but they know how to improve it more creative and spectacular. Who are they and how their creativity to make their business and become wealthy business leader?


A new culture in the world and the web is the role of the user itself (consumer creation); View course has been the emergence of media blog allows users to create their own blogs that have now amounted to nearly 30 million blogs and can be a warehouse of information related . See the community lover image has enabled them memajang 70 million images on Yes with just a mouse click, anyone can be a journalist, photographer or a DJ. The internet user audience itself eventually create what is called social media. And that creates opportunities for the emergence of hundreds of internet business in the promising business category social media see as (digg,, Newsvine, tagworld, youtube)

Then the second category in the Internet business that you can see is a carefulness in work of the founder of Bloglines, eurekster, simply hired, Technorati, trulia, wink habits that are able to see or to arrest people keisengan from there and mix slosh information and being formed into an information the other. Companies in the business category to use this web content that already exists as a starting point and then memodifikasinya in such a way with the new touch.

Internet business category, the third is the players who take advantage of basic human needs of the importance of communication. Conventional channels of communication for almost seabad using copper wire network. But the genius in the field of Internet voice call successfully convert into a package that is very little that emanated wirelessly with the computer and using special software, they can communicate, see the carefulness in work from fonality, sIPPhone, Lotum, Vivox, and Skype.

Jotspot, 30boxes, 37signals, Writely, zimbra is an example of the players in the Internet business of the four categories that are talking about here I adopt the functions of the desktop computing into a web application called by Bill Gates as a crucial strategic priority.

Type of internet business category five trends that will in future also, as is done by brightcove, Jigsaw, simplefeed, salesforce, sixapart. They offer charming in their web as a web-based platform enables the business and also develop and utilize to get money.

If you visit their web sites each with a suffix added. Com you will inspire creativity and how they have helped carefulness in work towards the way business web at this time and in the future and the opportunities that exist. Interestingly of the business mentioned above is not the age of one year and have a full-time employees not more than 10 people only. Some of them clearly have the money from their online business, and some of them may also fail. But clearly from the category will appear for Google or Microsoft or Yahoo's new - or at least they will acquired by the online giants such as is often the case.

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